Working Papers
- Pan, M., Sun, X.,* (2023) Exploring the Role of Mobility-as-A-Service in Morning Commuting Trips. (Under Review of TR Part B). [SSRN]
- Li, H., Sun, X.* (2023) On the Robotic Uncertainty of Fully Autonomous Traffic. (Under Review of TR Part B). [arXiv]
Journal Papers
- Johansson, A., Nekouei, E., Sun, X., Johansson, K., Marternsson, J*. Hub-Based Platoon Formation: Optimal Release Policies and Approximate Solutions. IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Accepted.
- Hao, Y., Chen, Z*., Jiangang Jin, Sun, X. (2023). Joint operation planning of drivers and trucks for semi-autonomous truck platooning. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. [TransA]
- Dong, T., Sun, X., Luo, Q*., Wang, J., & Yin, Y. (2023). The dual effects of team contest design on on-demand service work schedules. Service Science. [SSRN]
- Sun, X., & Yin, Y*. (2021). Decentralized game-theoretical approaches for behaviorally-stable and efficient vehicle platooning. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 153, 45-69. [TR-Part B][PDF(pre-print)]

- Sun, X*., & Yin, Y. (2021). An auction mechanism for platoon leader determination in single-brand cooperative vehicle platooning. Economics of Transportation, 28, 100233.[ECOTRA][PDF(pre-print)]

- Sun, X., Wu, H., Abdolmaleki, M., Yin, Y*., & Zou, B. (2021). Investigating the Potential of Truck Platooning for Energy Savings: Empirical Study of the US National Highway Freight Network. Transportation Research Record, 03611981211031231. [TRR][PDF(pre-print)]

- Sun, X., Chen, Z., and Yin, Y*. (2020). Integrated Planning of Static and Dynamic Charging Infrastructure to Support Electric Vehicles for Inter-city Trips. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 83, 102331.

- Sun, X., & Yin, Y*. (2019). Behaviorally stable vehicle platooning for energy savings. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 99, 37-52.
- Sun, Xiaotong, and Yafeng Yin*. A simulation study on max pressure control of signalized intersections. Transportation research record 2672.18 (2018): 117-127.
- Sun, X., Shahabi, M., Carrick, G., Yin, Y*., Srinivasan, S., & Shirmohammadi, N. (2018). Methods for the design of safety service patrol beats: the Florida Road Ranger case study. Transportation research record, 2672(14), 50-60.
- Sun, Xiaotong, Wanjing Ma*, and Wei Huang. Comparative study on the capacity of a signalised roundabout. IET Intelligent Transport Systems 10.3 (2016): 175-185.
- A. Johansson, J. MÃ¥rtensson*, X. Sun and Y. Yin, “Real-Time Cross-Fleet Pareto-Improving Truck Platoon Coordination,” 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2021, pp. 996-1003. [IEEE]
Ph.D. Dissertation
Facilitating Cooperative Truck Platooning for Energy Savings: Path Planning, Platoon Formation and Benefit Redistribution [DeepBlue]
Automated trucks and platooning. Resource Allocation and pricing mechanisms. Mobility-as-a-Service. Vehicle electrification. Mixed-traffic analysis and operations.
Network Modelling, Mechanism Design, Game Theory, Transportation and Traffic Operation Fundamentals, Variational Inequality